威尔弗雷德/犬友笑传 第一季 第08集

欢迎来到威尔弗雷德/犬友笑传 第一季第08集的云播m播放页面,2007年欧美电视剧《威尔弗雷德/犬友笑传 第一季》是一部澳大利亚的影视作品,导演是兰德尔·艾因霍恩,演员有Jason Gann,Cindy Waddingham,Adam Zwar。


At the center of this sitcom is a cranky dog who believes he is human, and lives to torment the live-in boyfriend of his loving, oblivious owner Sarah. Jason Gann plays the superstar mutt Wilfred.

If Harry’s Practice has taught us anything, it’s that the domestic pet can have as many psychological hang-ups as its contemporary owner. Depression, anxiety, loneliness and fear of abandonment all lead to behavioural problems and an unstable home environment. WILFRED, the series, is an in-depth portrait of such a pet ‘behaving badly’. It also profiles three individuals struggling to find heart and home in the modern world.

Wilfred is the ultimate flawed character. Like David Brent in The Office, we are charmed by his arrogance and self-righteousness, his falsehoods and misguided passions. Insecure and manipulative, he will stop at nothing to win the love and affection he desires. Although his methods may sometimes be underhand, his innocence and purity of heart can never be questioned. Well, maybe sometimes. He has a lot of love to give and expects a lot in return. And he won’t let any one stand in his way of getting what he sees as his.




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